
Top Ten Voice Acting Tips You’ll Learn at Pali Adventures Summer Camp

Voice acting is a little trickier than film and stage acting. For starters, you can’t use your body to convey emotions. Everything has to be in your voice. Once you overcome that obstacle, you’ll have what it takes to become an excellent voice actor.

Pali Adventures Acting summer camp wants to give young actors a chance to learn every aspect of the business. Voice acting opens up a whole new world of possibilities for them. They could lend their voice to your new favorite video game, or even provide voiceover for a foreign film

Here are a few tips to help young actors succeed in voice acting.

1. Practice Makes Perfect

Your vocal cords are precious. Protect them by doing vocal warm-ups and exercises every single day, much like a runner would protect their muscles by stretching before a meet. Practicing will help you be able to handle long recording days down the road.

Doing a little bit of work every day, even when you’re busy with other things, will keep your skills sharp.

2. Pronunciation and Diction

Do some exercises to work on diction and pronunciation. Being able to speak clearly is vital to voice acting. For instance, you could spend an entire hour carefully pronouncing everything perfectly. It will feel silly, but eventually, your brain will remember how each word feels and you won’t have to work so hard to speak clearly.

boy in recording booth at camp

3. Voice Over Practice

Voice over classes will teach young actors the terminology they need to understand in order to be successful in the recording booth. One of the most important things these classes will teach is how to sight-read. This prepares them for cases when they won’t get time to read over the script in advance. Coaches will also walk them through different ways to change the tone of their voice, pacing, and word emphasis. They know the best way to prepare actors for what clients may demand during a reading.

4. Singing 

Singing lessons will teach actors proper posture to make sure they can project their voice correctly. They’ll also learn the diaphragm breathing technique. This technique allows for easier airflow through the vocal cords and puts less stress on their throat, allowing them to speak for much longer without wearing out their voice.

5. Acting Summer Camp Means All Kinds of Acting

While there are huge differences between acting and voice acting, acting lessons are a must for anyone who wants to get ahead. These classes will teach you how to think like the character in order to find their voice. They also teach young actors how to break down and analyze a script to fully understand it. Watching how actors get direction during the class will give voice actors tools to use later on when they need to take direction themselves during recording.

6. Record Yourself

Getting access to a professional studio may take a while since they’re expensive to rent. In the meantime, building your own recording studio will give you a way to continue voice acting work at home. It’s also a safe place to practice and fail, without judgment. Get to know your equipment well. Use a good mic and a soundproof workspace. Last but not least, learn how to edit audio. 

7. Recording Studio Etiquette

Keep these things in mind and you’ll be sure to put your best foot forward:

  • Arrive on time, with all your vocal warm-ups done.
  • Put in the time before you arrive to understand the character and the script you’re reading. 
  • Bring water and a snack. Apples seem to be a favorite for voice actors.
  • Be flexible. If you’re receiving direction from someone, you need to be able to put their notes to work on the spot.
  • Be respectful of everyone at the studio.
  • Wear quiet clothing, like soft cotton, and shoes that don’t squeak. Remove any jewelry that will make noise before you enter the booth.
  • Put your phone in your bag and leave it there while you’re recording. They’re too distracting and affect your performance.
  • Don’t adjust the equipment unless given permission.
  • No improv, unless the director gives the okay.
  • Don’t stop performing to apologize. Pause, take a deep breath and continue.

8. Relax

Before you begin, take a quiet moment to do a short breathing exercise. Allow your body to fully relax, all the way down to your toes. Tension in your chest and shoulders will make your voice tremble. There’s also no way you can record for multiple hours if you don’t relax. Your muscles will ache and pain can be heard in your voice.

9. Analyze Others

When you’re not talking, you should be listening. Find the work of other voice actors. Listen to them and break apart their performance using the skills you’ve learned so far. Notice how they express an emotion by pitching their voice lower or higher. Does their speaking speed pick up when the character is excited? Pay attention to the little tricks they use in their performance and try them out during your next practice session

girls in recording booth at camp

10. Stay Hydrated 

People are always slightly dehydrated. Most find it too difficult to remember to drink, or don’t understand what to drink in order to stay hydrated properly. No, an iced coffee won’t work. Drink at least a liter of plain water every day. This will help keep your vocal cords from strain if you need to speak all day in the studio.

Experience the Excitement of Voice Acting at Acting Summer Camp

At one point or another, most young people wish they could do more than just watch their favorite cartoon characters. They want to become them. Voice actors get to do just that every day. 

Acting summer camp at Pali Adventures encourages young actors to reach for the stars. They can become whatever they wish to be during summer camp. 

We also encourage them to relax and just have fun with friends. 

Campers get to pick from over seventy electives during the afternoons to give them a break from classes and rehearsals. The balance between work and fun encourages their imaginations to grow.

Ready to enroll in Acting Summer Camp, don’t hesitate!. 
