
How to Enjoy Your Dance Performances When You’re Back Home From Summer Camp

One of the best parts about attending a summer dance camp is sharing what you learned with your parents, family members, and friends back home.

When you go back home at the end of a long and exciting summer, you want to re-live some of your moves. You may even want to create a routine with friends that’s the same as something from Pali. 

That’s why we’ve created a list of ways to keep your dance performances at the top of your mind when you return home after camp. Here are a few ways you can take what you learned back with you.

1. Check Out the Facebook Group

This is by far the best way to jog your dance camp memories once you are home. It’s also the only way for friends and family members to keep up with you while you’re still at camp. The photo and video staff are very busy and try to record a little of everything all week.

Let’s take a closer look at each step needed to make memories of dance camp.

Have Your Parents Follow Pali on Facebook

The first step happens before you even get to camp. You need to have your parents follow us on Facebook. Parents are invited to follow Daniel Hammond, our director. That way, when content from the dance specialty is uploaded, they’ll be able to get notified and see it. 

There are also other important updates that we put out on the Facebook page, so it’s a good idea for them to follow it anyway. That way, they won’t miss anything. 

girl dancing in dance studio

Be Ready For Your Close-up

You never know when or where a Pali photographer or videographer will pop up. Concentrate on having fun and making memories. Even if you don’t make it onto the Facebook page that day, you still have your dance locked into your mind.

Do Your Dance

Try to have everything ready and make sure you have the routine memorized so the media team doesn’t have to take multiple videos. It should all be ready for them to come and grab the video. 

Make this the best performance of the week since it’s being recorded. That means it’ll have a better chance of being shared with your parents through the Facebook page as well as everyone else that’s following Pali Adventures. And, your parents will be able to share it with everyone that’s friends with them. 

2. Record Yourself

Although we don’t recommend bringing digital cameras and most electronics like phones are not allowed, you’re still welcome to bring one if it can not connect to the Internet. It’s the second way you can bring your original dance routine home with you. 

This is an alternative option to make sure friends and family members can see what you learned at summer dance camp. Just remember you will need the permission of all the other people you record.

All you have to do is find a time to do your dance routine—although, with the jam-packed days at Pali, you might find it difficult. Most likely, you’ll need to have another camper with you that can hold the camera for you. Make sure it’s someone you trust to keep it steady so the video turns out well. 

If you can’t get someone to help you, find a place that has a table or another hard surface you can use as a tripod. Set up your camera so the whole dance floor is in the viewfinder and make sure it’s not going to fall over. 

Now all that’s left to do is dance! When you get home, you’ll be able to show your dance with friends and family members. Just remember that you may not publically share any videos of others. 

group of dancers performing

3. Memorize Your Routine

The third method involves making sure you know your routine by heart or creating a way to remind yourself if you forget any of it. 

If you pack a notebook and pen with you, then you can take some time to write out your routine. There are a couple of ways you can do this. 

The first way involves writing out the lyrics to the song, then writing out the dance moves that go along with each line. This can be particularly helpful with dance routines that follow the lyrics closely. 

Another method is to write out the dance moves based on time. So, you may use eight-counts and write out what you do during each of those throughout the song. This works really well for hustles that repeat the same moves no matter what the words are. 

If you don’t know or have a name for all of the dance moves, you may want to draw simple pictures to help you remember what to do. Stick figures will be enough since it’s just meant to remind you of what each move entails. 

Are You Ready for Your Summer Dance Camp at Pali Adventures?

Now you know three ways you can take what you learned at summer dance camp and share it with your friends and family members back home.

As you can see, it is important to make sure your parents are following us on Facebook. This will ensure they see what you’re learning and doing every day. They’ll also get other important updates about Pali Adventures.
